Police tape - crime scene

Anti-social behaviour

We are sorry to report that a very serious incident of anti-social behaviour on our site has been reported to the police.  The Committee is currently working with the police to investigate this matter and identify the culprit(s).

Whilst investigations are ongoing we urge plot holders to maintain a regular and active presence on their plot and to report all unusual activity to the Committee.  Please pay particular attention to the following:

– Gates remain locked except when in use
– Report the presence of any unknown persons on site
– Anything unusual in or around water points or water butts
– Any suspected break-ins or vandalism on your plot

As part of this incident a water tank was contaminated causing a possible health risk.  All tanks have been checked but do not drink water or wash from any of the tanks.

No physical violence has been reported but we would encourage plot holders to be extra vigilant when on site and to keep a friendly eye out for neighbours and friends.