The KPAA site has a rich history. It was part of the original land that comprised RAF Kidbrooke which operated in the area close to Kidbrooke Station from 1917 to 1965.
A large site RAF Kibdrooke had a diverse and distinguished history operating primarily as an RAF support base rather than an airfield. At various times in its history it functioned as a Stores Depot, Installation Unit for Chain Home Radar masts, Gliding School and Joint Services School for Linguists. During he Second World War Sqn. 901, 902 and 903 No. 1 Balloon Command of the Auxiliary Airforce operated from RAF Kidbrooke.
Balloon Command were established in 1938 to provide a ‘ring of steel’ to keep German bombers and fighters high up over London by flying barrage balloons. This remit extended during the war to cover all of the UK. By 1944 there were 3000 balloons in operation under Balloon Command. In that same year in order to combat the assault of V1 rockets being directed on London balloons were moved to form a defensive ring around south London. Up to 100 V1’s were snagged and stopped this way.
Serving in Balloon Command came with considerable risks for all personnel involved. Peter Sydenham whose father served at RAF Kidbrooke has researched and written extensively about the history of Barrage Ballooners and the site. This sadly includes a roll call of the those from Sqn 901, 902 and 903 who lost their lives in active service. He has written the following in remembrance of lives lost:
At 0410 hours, 18 June 1944, a V1 bomb landed on the HQ hut of Sqn 901 in the allotments.
At 0810 hours, 23 June 1944, at a spot likely to be the south of the railway line, a V1 made a direct hit on the HQ of ‘E’ Flight Sqn 901.
11 serving RAF personnel from Sqn. 901 lost their lives in these two incidents:
Frank Alfred Edwin Bartlett, age 43
Joy Burton, age 21
Percy Dodds, age 32
Ernest Robert Eldridge, age 45
Ernest Sidney Barrup Gent, age 32
John Phillip Hale Jacobs, age 40
Graham Christopher Maynard, age 47
John Constantine Peddrazzini, age 37
Walter Clark Robertson, age 34
R. Smalley, age 26
Frederick Thomas Waterman, age 40
More about Balloon Command can be found courtesy of The Barrage Balloon Reunion Club. This site also includes the fascinating and comprehensive work of Peter Sydenham on No. 1 Balloon Command at RAF Kidbrooke.
During the development of Kidbrooke Village, replacing the former Ferrier Estate roads were named to reflect the sites history. The Depot also acknowledges this history too.

If rain and wind keep me away from planting, weeding and harvesting I’ll write a post on The Sky Rockets. The illustrious dance band of No. 1 Balloon Command!